
As each Thanksgiving rolls around, we gather with our families, stuff our faces full of food and gives thanks for the things we are blessed with. Thanksgiving is such a special time of year and it seems in recent years, it’s been more looked over than ever before but this year, I want to savor it and truly remember what this holiday is about.

This year, I am thankful for:

…God sending His son Jesus Christ so that we may all go to Heaven when we die if we believe in Him. (John 3:16)

…living in a country where I am safe when so much of our world currently lives each and every day on edge.

…being able to go to one of the best schools in the country.

…being able to study for a degree in an industry I am so passionate about

…having a family and a boyfriend that supports me in everything.

…and so much more than I could ever name.

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving! Feel free to share what you are thankful for in the comments below!